
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Summertime´s here kiddies and it´s time to get out and play

Sunday morning coming down, always love the chilled and relaxed Sundays. 

We´ve go so much going on at the moment.
Girls VIP night coming up in just a few days and the week after it´s time for our 
"Little ones" Fashion Parade and brunch for charity.

Give us a call or drop by to buy a ticket, we´d love it if you can lend us a hand in raising money for Bear Cottage, the childrens hospital.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Join the Cartell

Love the buzz of early Manly mornings, smell of the coffé roast, breakkie to go as you leap out the door. Far travelled winds grabbing your hair as a new day begins.

While life shows it´s sweet sides, I thought I´d pick out three favourites for the week wispering Manning Cartell.
The label of three sisters in Australia. 
Feminine and edgy with a timeless twist, cant do better than that. With the "Compulsive Sketcher" collection youll love the feel of the flowing fabric and the mad hatter sketches.

Character Sketch Dress $450 

Whiteout Shirt $ 250  
Daily Sketch Maxi $400   

Charcoal anyone?